Download and start the revolution
This page will list more and more WebHome-compatible software and plugins. For now, these are only things that we’ve done for WordPress.
Build WebHome from WordPress
- Download and install WordPress or just use your existing WordPress-based site
- Download and install XRDS-Simple WordPress plugin (required by OpenId plugin)
- Download and install OpenID WordPress plugin
- Download and install Webhome WordPress plugin
- Allow anyone to register on your site in your Wordpress Admin Panel -> Settings -> Anyone can register.
- (Optional) Disallow anyone to post any content on your site withot creating account first in Wordpress Admin Panel -> Settings -> Users must be registered & logged in to comment.
- Update your profile details, using real name is preffered. You may also want to use Gravatar to have an avatar picture.
- You can use your WebHome as an OpenID provider. To use your domain (URL of your WebHome) as your web identity you need set your Wordpress account in Wordpress Admin Panel -> Settings -> OpenID -> Blog Owner.
- Place "Webhome Friends" widget to your sidebar in Wordpress Admin Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets.
- Ask your friends to do the same and connect between each other through WebHome plugin.
- Use wordpress blogroll to list your local community sites, niche networks, like those about your hobbies and/or interests. They would work as "Groups"
More software
We are working on other solutions and plan to provide plugins for MT and Dolphin soon, however our current priority is to make the concept work smoothly and to provide a simple way to turn sites into WebHomes. Once we have a clearer picture, we’ll publish WebHome Standards that will enable all developers to build WebHome-compatible software.
Want to develop with us?
Get involved in the Forum, tell us what you know, show us what you can do, send us what you made and we’ll get you involved. In fact, you don’t need our approval to create WebHome software, but if you want to help, come to our WebHome and talk to us. Feel free to snoop around, you’re invited!